Thursday, August 19, 2021

Prophets, Mission of

 The mission of the prophets is first and foremost to be the voice and authority of the Lord on earth - to do all things the Lord would do in person - mainly, to ask us to come to Him, repent, obey the laws that will bring us joy, prosperity, and progress. Their mission, since the beginning is: come, obey, repent, come obey, repent. They can teach higher things, but it is always come, obey, repent no matter the law/principles you are learning. All prophets have testified of the same thing: Christ will suffer, die, and rise again. Their other mission is to pray for and love God's children. Christ was a prophet, and every prophet that has ever been is just trying to follow the same mission of Christ - to help all believe and come to Him. The Lord speaks to prophets through the Spirit, through visions and dreams. A seer is greater than a prophet(you can have no greater gift than to be a seer)for a seer sees the past, present, and future(like God) and brings mighty miracles and is a great benefit to man. You can know if a prophet is real by testing his words for yourself to see if they come true, by watching the miracles he performs. Your call to prophets should be "Spare not!" Spare not the miracles, the visions, the revelations, the commands, the wisdom, the love, the prayers...spare not so that you can come that much closer to your Heavenly Father. Although the Lord is always with them, prophets are still simple men with weaknesses. God gives men prophets out of compassion so we won't be lost any more, but have truth in love, growing up in Christ. God gives us prophets for the perfecting of Saints, for doing missionary work, for edifying the body of Christ until we're all unified in faith and knowledge, until we are perfect like Christ. It is important to remember that all can be prophets/teachers/healers/workers of miracles if they seek earnestly for the gifts of the Spirit. If we study the mission of prophets, we can have the same mission.

*Gen 20:7 - Prophets pray for thee

*Ex 4:12 - The Lord is with the mouth of the prophets, He teaches them what to say

*Ex 4:166 - Prophets speak for/instead of God

*Ex 4:30, Ex 7:1 JST - Sometimes prophets have spokesmen(Moses - Aaron)

*Num 11:29 - Moses wishes all could be prophets so the Lord could put his spirit on them

*Num 12:6 - The Lord speaks to His prophets through visions and dreams

*Deut 13:1-18 - False prophets will come - they will be put to death - do not follow them

*Deut 18:18-22 - The Lord will raise up a prophet, you know he's a prophet if what he says comes true. If he speaks presumptuously, he will die. (John 6:14 - They know Jesus by His miracles, Acts 3:22 - God will raise a prophet - Christ, we are "children of the prophets" 7:37 - Moses said another would come)

*1 Sam 3:20 - You can know if a prophet is real.

*1 Sam 9:9 - Prophets used to be called seers.

*1 Kings 1:9 - The Lord speaks to Elijah through still, small voice.

*2 Kings 17:13 - The Lord speaks to us through the prophets.

*Neh 9:30 - The Lord does all He can through His prophets, but if the people don't listen - He can't do much else for them.

*2 Chron 29:25 - The prophets' commands are the Lord's commands

*2 Chron 36:15-16 - The Lord sends prophets out of compassion.

*Isaiah 58:1 - Call to a prophet - "Spare not"

*Jer 1:5 - Prophets of God are foreordained

*Jer 1:7-8 - Prophets go where the Lord tells them to, says what He tells them to, have(given) courage because the Lord is with them.

*Jer 5:14 - Words of prophet = fire, people = wood, when they are disobedient

*Jer 7:23-26 - The Lord always sends prophets and he sends them early(He is not a procrastinator)

*Ezekiel 2:7 - Voice of Lord and prophet are one, disobedience/obedience to one or the other is the same.

*Ezk 3:19, 33:9 - Prophets are held responsible for us until they speak(kind of like parents)

*Ezk 3:27 - The Lord opens the prophets' mouths

*Amos 3:7 - "Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealed his secret unto his servant the prophets."

*Jonah 1:2(3:1-4) - Jonah had to be called several times to prophesy - simple man with weaknesses - still a prophet.

*JST Matt 11:13 - All prophets prophesied of life before John. John came to "prepare all things."

*JST Luke 16:16-20 - The prophets and the laws foretell Jesus Christ - all who seekers truth come to them - "It is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than for one tittle of the law to fail."

*Matt 21:26, Mark 11:32, Luke 20:6 - prophets get authority from heaven.

*Matt 22:40 - Hang all laws and prophets from these two commandments: Love God and love thy neighbor as thyself.

*Matt 28:20 - Prophets are to teach all to observe the commandments, the Lord is with them always.

*Luke 1:70, Acts 3:21 - The Lord speaks through his prophets - always has.

*Luke 1:76 - John the Baptist - prophet of the Highest

*John 6:14 - Jesus is a prophet(then all prophets' missions exemplify Christ's mission? To save, to comfort, to bring eternal life?)

*Acts 10:43 - The mission of all prophets is to give witness to Christ, so that all might believe.

*Acts 13:1-3 - Prophets obey the Spirit, do missionary work.

*Acts 15:32 - Prophets can expound on each other.

*Acts 21:10 - Although Paul was a prophet, another prophet came to him to foretell of his death.

*Acts 26:22-23 - All prophets have been testifying of the same thing from the beginning: Christ will suffer and die and rise again.

*1 Cor 12:28-31 - All can be prophets/teachers/healers/workers of miracles if they seek earnestly for the gifts of the Spirit*It is important then to know the mission of the prophets so that we can do the same.

*Eph 2:20-22 - The household of God is built upon the prophets and apostles, with Christ as the cornerstone. When they all fit together = the temple(includes us through the Spirit).

*Eph 3:5 - More revealed through prophets

*Eph 4:11-13 - God gives men prophets for perfecting the Saints, for doing missionary work, for edifying the body of Christ until we're all unified in faith and knowledge, until we are perfect like Christ.

*Eph 4:14-15 - God gives men prophets so we won't be lost any more, but have truth in love, growing up in Christ

*Heb 1:1 - God speaks to prophets

*1 Peter 1:10 - Prophets prophecy of Christ/grace/salvation

*2 Peter 3:2 - Be mindful of what the prophets say

*1 Nephi 10:4 - Prophets = symbols of Christ, Christ is a prophet

*1 Nephi 22:2 - It is by the Spirit that prophets know anything

*2 Nephi 3:18 - Spokesman declares God's words

*2 Nephi 9:48 - Prophets yearn to teach holy things, but must first teach the consequences of sin

*2 Nephi 25:18 - All prophets testify of only one Messiah

*Mosiah 8:15-18 - A seer is greater than a prophet - you can have no greater gift - a seer sees the past, present, and future(like God) - brings mighty miracles, great benefit to man.

*Hel 5:18 - Prophets speak with great power and authority

*3 Nephi 1:13 - Be of good cheer, the Lord fulfills all the prophet's words

*D&C 42:39- Consecrate those who embrace the gospel

*D&C 1:38 - Prophet's voice and God's voice = the same.

*D&C 6:9 - Prophet's commanded: "say nothing but repentance, keep my commandments"

*D&C 20:25-27 - Believe the prophets who truly testify of Him - you will have eternal life

*D&C 21:5 - Receive prophet as if the Lord's voice, and receive it with patience and faith.

*D&C 24:6 - Prophets guided as to what to speak&write

*D&C 35:23, 52:9 - When you prophesy, call on words of prophets, when you preach, use prophets' words

*D&C 43:3 - Prophets are not appointed unless they abide in Christ.

*D&C 58:18 - We're judged by laws given by prophets