Thursday, October 4, 2018


You can always increase education by counseling with the Lord, to not counsel is to be a fool and learning is in vain. Parent's education to you is "an ornament of 'grace' unto the head" or "a divine means of help or strength given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ." (BD). Education leads to good works, salvation and God - it is life.  In order to grow in knowledge, you must 1) always rejoice 2) be filled with the love of God and 3) repent. The glory of God is intelligence (light and truth). You gain education through His Spirit, and it gives you the "mind of Christ." *My education should be intricately connected to charity and humility. If I'm not rejoicing and repenting and reaching out to others, then everything I "learn" is in vain. The more I do those things, the more light and truth I will have until I have the mind of Christ and become like God.

*Prov 5:1 A wise man knows how to "increase" his learning, he attains "wise counsels" You can always increase your learning by counseling with the Lord.
*Prov 1:7-9 Parents teachings are "an ornament of 'grace' unto thy head" divine means of help or strength given through the bounteous mercy and love of Jesus Christ.
*Prov 3  Education the Lord gives, esp verse 11
*Prov 4:13 Instruction is life
*Dan 1:17  God gives knowledge, it is a gift, learning and wisdom is a skill
*Matt 7:8 Education  is asking, seeking, knocking
*John 5:39 Search the scriptures
*John 8:32 Education is truth and freedom
*Eph 1:17-18 Through Jesus Christ you can be educated with his hope and riches
*Col 1:9-10 Keep the Spirit with you, keep the commandments, you will gain knowledge
*2 Tim 3:15-16 The scriptures are given to educate us, which leads to good works, salvation, and God
*2 Ne 9:28 Education without counsel from the Lord is foolishness, vanity, frailty, and part of "that cunning plan of the evil one" and it will profit nothing unless you consider yourself a fool before God and go to the depths of humility and then he will open doors
*2 Ne 9:42 We learn line upon line, precept upon precept
*2 Ne 28:30 If you take counsel, he will give you more
*Mos 1:5, Alma 37:8 Scriptures are pivotal educators, to read, understand his mysteries and have his commandments always before your eyes
*Mos 4:2 In order to grow in knowledge of creator, "that which is just and true" you need to 1) always rejoice 2) be filled with the love of God and 3) repent
*Alma 38:9 Wisdom is knowing the way (Christ) you are saved (Christ)
*D&C 6:7 Education makes you rich (have eternal life)
*D&C 19:23 Learn of Christ, walk by the Spirit
*D&C 55:4 Education is pleasing and important to the Lord
*D&C 88:78 With teaching comes grace, divine strength, and help. Education is study and faith and from each other and from the best books.
*D&C 90: 15-16 My business and mission: study, learn, become acquainted with all good books, languages, tongues, and people.
*D&C 93:36 The glory of God is intelligence (light and truth)
*D&C 93:53 Education (learning history, countries, kingdoms, laws of God and man) is all for salvation of Zion
*D&C 107:99 Learn your duty
*D&C 130:19 You keep your knowledge and intelligence (learned through diligence and obedience) in the world to come
*D&C 131:6 It is impossible to be saved in ignorance
*D&C 136:32-33 Education comes through humility, a contrite heart, then the Spirit will come and enlighten and eyes and ears will be open
*Moses 6:6 Adam and Eve taught their children to read and write
*Moses 6:23 You can teach it, educate faith
*Abraham 1:2 Possess greater knowledge, be a greater follower of righteousness. Have a desire to receive instructions.
*Alma 10:15 Education could also be used for evil means (the education of men, not Christ - Col 2:8)
*2 Ne 32:7-9 Those who will not search knowledge = those in unbelief, wickedness, ignorance, and stiffneckedness. Hearken to the Spirit, it will teach you to pray, it will consecrate your performance.
*1 Cor 2:11 You gain education through your Spirit
*1 Cor 2: 9-16 God has prepared a great education for those that love Him, reveals it through His Spirit, gives you the mind of Christ.
*1 Cor 8:1-3 Knowledge puffs up , but charity edifieth. Educate yourself with charity.
*1 Cor 14:20 Be men in understanding, children in malice
*Acts 7:22 Moses was a mighty educated man
*Matt 5:6 Hunger and thirst after righteousness
*Prov 3:15 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding"

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