Sunday, July 18, 2021

Scriptures, Writing of

     The scriptures are a permanent link to God and His covenants and thus a permanent link to joy, peace, hope, prosperity, knowledge, and repentance. The writing of scriptures is inspired, pure, and permanent. When you read the scriptures, you learn more and more of your identity - both physical ancestry as well as spiritual ancestry. You learn of covenants, of promises, of Christ. The more you learn, the more you are filled with hope. The scriptures are a source of purity (of language, of doctrine, of repentance). They have a power unlike anything on earth - use them, read them, know them, teach from them.

*Ex 32:16(Deut 4:13, Deut 5:22, Deut 10:4) Strong emphasis that scriptures are God's

*Ex 34:27 - It is through scripture that God has made a covenant with His people

*Psalms 102:18 - Scriptures are written for future generations - "the people created" will praise the Lord

*Isaiah 30:8 - By writing it down, it will be forever and ever

*Jeremiah 36:3-8 - by the mere hearing of scripture, people will turn from evil ways.

*Ezekiel 37:15-22 - Sticks of Joseph &Judah shall come together and be "one in thine hand" - scriptures are symbolic of nations.

*Mal 3:16-17 - Your name will be written in the book of remembrance and you will be spared.

*Moses 6:5,46 - A book of remembrance, written by finger of God, keeps pure language, teaches children.

*John 21:24 - Scriptures are testimony of those who wrote them.

*Acts 15:23 - The apostles and elders sent out letters to teach(kind of like General Conference)

*Rom 15:4 - Scriptures are written for our learning, that through their patience and comfort we might have hope. LEARNING = HOPE.

*1 Cor 10:11 - Everything in the scriptures happened for our example, our admonition

*2 Cor 1:12-13 - testimony, simplicity, sincerity

*2 Cor 2:9, 1 John 1:4, 2 Peter 3:1 - Scriptures were written to see if we would be obedient to all things and to stir our minds to remembrance and also that our joy may be full(obedience=fullness of joy)

*1 Ne 3:3, 5:10-22 - Scriptures have history, genealogy, prophecies - some people have risked their lives for scriptures.

*1 Ne 14:26 - Some scriptures are sealed in their purity, waiting to come forth in due time of the Lord

*1 Ne 19:6-7 - Nephi doesn't write anything unless it's sacred, great worth to the body and the soul.

*2 Ne 3:12 - The fruit of Judah and Joseph will both write, they will work together to do many things. Purpose of Scriptures: 1)Confound false doctrine 2)Lay down contentions 3)Establish peace 4)Give knowledge of latter-days 5)Give knowledge of covenants

*2 Ne 3:17 - Sometimes the Lord makes people mighty in writing, but not in speaking. If so, the Lord always provides a spokesman. Being mighty in writing is because God writes unto the servants His law "by the finger of mine own hand."

*2 Ne 4:15-16 - Nephi ponders scriptures continually and writes them for the learning and the profit of his children. He writes the things of his soul = things he delights in the Lord.

*2 Ne 6:3-4 - When Jacob teaches the people, he teaches from the scriptures - that they may learn and glorify God - read Isaiah. *REMEMBER WHEN YOU ARE A MOM TO ALWAYS USE THE SCRIPTURES.    

*2 Ne 25:23 - Those who write, do so to persuade children and brethren to believe in Christ, be reconciled with God.

*2 Ne 29:10-14 - The Lord has commanded all men to write, for we will be judged from our books.

*Jacob 1:2 - Everything Jacob wrote was what he considered "most precious"

*Jarom 1:2 - Jarom wrote for benefit of Lamanites, his fathers wrote the plan of salvation

*WofM - Hopes Moroni will write of people and of Christ that some day it will help them.

*Alma 37:1-12 - Scriptures have genealogy(give people identity), have holy protection, saved for wise purposes, handed down from one generation to another, will retain brightness(defy natural laws), enlarge memories, convince people of errors, bring knowledge of God(salvation, knowledge of Christ, repentance, rejoicing).

*3 Ne 27:26 - We will be judged from the scriptures - did we obey all its commandments?

*Ether 3:22 - Languages are confounded - you can only read by power of God while in the Spirit.

*Ether 4:1, Moses 2:1, D&C 76:36, D&C 90:32, D&C 9:4, D&C 24:1 -Writing is a calling and a commandment

*D&C 104: 58-59 - Purpose of scriptures(fullness = continual revelation)to build church and kingdom and to prepare people to dwell with Him.

*D&C 107:57 - Adam's prophecies are written in book of Enoch

*Moses 6:5-6 - A book of remembrance - all called by God, written by language that was pure and undefiled.

*Abraham 1:28 - Abraham writes chronology back to creation

*JSH 1:67 - Oliver wrote for Joseph

*D&C 18:34-35 -  The words written are of God, not man, given by the Spirit, only by His power can we have them.

***************D&C 63:56 - You need to be meek with good intentions or the Lord will not accept your offering(writing)****remember this when you write

*D&C 68:4 - When servants speak by the Holy Ghost - it is scripture.

*D&C 94:10 - The Lord dedicated a whole building to printing

*2 John 1:12, 3 John 1:13 - He has many things to write, but joy is full speaking face to face.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Record Keeping

Record keeping is a sacred duty and power. Without record keeping we would not know the mind and will of God. Records show us past events to help us through current situations to provide future guidance - all time is one, like God's time, in the scriptures. The wording of records (written on earth is written in heaven)is like the sealing power - it is heavily connected with our ability to endure and receive eternal life. 

*Ex 24:4 - Moses preached, obeyed, and wrote down the word of the Lord. He also wrote the testimony of the Lord to be put in the ark of the covenant. (Ex 25:21) Record keeping was an important duty for this prophet. (1 Chron 16:4 - it is a priesthood duty)

*Ex 32:33 - The Lord also keeps records - you are in it. (Book of the Living - Psalms 69:28, Rev 3:5) You want to be a part of His records (Dan 12:1)

*Ezra 4:15 - Records provide guidance of current actions for future results based on past experience - all time becomes one.

*Rev 1:19(18-20) It is a commandment to write the things of Christ

*3 Nephi 27:23-26 - It is a commandment to write, we will be judged by the books written, and by the Father's records.

*1 Ne 1:1 - Reasons why Nephi made a record: he had been both afflicted and blessed - he had come to know the mysteries and goodness of God.

*1 Ne 3:19-29 - It is wisdom in God to make records - to preserve language and word of God(language of people is connected with word/power of God) *Omni 1:17 - The people Mosiah found - their language had become corrupt, did not know God - they brought no records with them.

*1 Ne 5:10-22 - The plates were so important that Nephi risked his life to get them. They contained the commandments, history, prophecies, genealogy, and word of God. They were extremely important to this family.

*1 Ne 13:39-41 - Records support each other (witnesses), testify that Jesus is the Christ, teach you how to come to Him.

*2 Ne 5:24-33 - Sometimes you are asked to keep different records for different wise purposes.

*Omni 1:9 - Both Nephi and Chemish are commanded to keep records. Nephi wrote 2 books, Chemish wrote one verse.

*Alma 37:1-10(*9) - Records enlarge memory, bring people to Christ and repentance.

*3 Nephi 23:7-14 - When Christ visited the Nephites, He asked for their records so that He could teach from them. He commanded them to write more, even some they had forgotten.

*Morm 8:1 - Moroni takes records but has few things to write out of obedience(Ether 13:1)

*Ether 4:1 - So often in the scriptures, servants of the Lord have experiences and then are commanded to write them down.

*D&C 6:26-27 - There are many records with the gospel, yet because of iniquity they have not been brought foth. If you desire good, this "gift" will help bring forth more records(Moses 1:2)

*D&C 20:8-16 - The Book of Mormon is a record - inspired, testifies of God, His work, and His character. Those who receive it in faith, work righteousness, will have a crown of of eternal life. Do not reject the records.

*D&C 107:56-57 - Adam prophesied of every generation down to the last- records will come in due time.

*Record keeping is a commandment, a sacred duty: D&C 21:1, 27:5, 47:3, 72:6, 76:80, 85:1, 90:52(Moses 2;1), 127:9, Moses 6:5

*Your testimony is recroded in heaven (D&C 62:3), your prayers become a record (D&C 88:2)

*What you record on earth will be recorded in heaven (D&C 128:8), very powerful doctrine, like sealing.

*Records have sacredness(Abr 1:21) like priesthood, creation, blessings.

God, Gifts of

Every gift of God is a reflection of His most perfect gift, His love(His Son, the Atonement) and leads to His ultimate gift - eternal life. Every gift given to an individual is no good unless shared with others - every gift is unique and hundreds are given to every individual. Believe in them, seek them out, be obedient to receive more, recognize the gifts of your "blood" that you can lay claim to, and remember one of the greatest gifts is that you get to choose what you need. Be more aware, be grateful, be humbled, feel the love of God and His Son through their gifts to you, then share your gifts with others so that they can feel the love. 

*Eccl 3:13 - "enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God" - work hard, do good - rejoice in it - it's a gift from God

*Eccl 5:19 - Everything is a gift from God - riches, wealth, power to eat, to take your portion, to rejoice in labor...

*John 3:16 - The Gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, and thereby everlasting life

*John 6:51 - Christ, the gift of God, is the living bread from heaven, bread is his flesh, gives eternal life v. 53 "Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." Romans 6:23 - Gift of God = eternal life through Jesus Christ

*John 11: 22 - One of the greatest gifts of God is to let you choose what you need, and then He will help you get it. "Whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee" 

*Acts 8:20 - Gift of God = Holy Ghost(and all His gifts)

*1 Cor 7:7 - God gives everyone a "proper gift" each in their own manner.

*1 Cor 12:4 - There are so many gifts, all given by the same Spirit

*Eph 2:8 - Gifts of God = grace and faith. You are saved by grace and faith, saved by God's gifts.

*1 Tim 14:14 - "Neglect not the gift that is in thee."

*2 Tim 1:5-7 - Gifts come through your blood, revive/rekindle the gift that is in you. Through power, love, and a sound mind - not fear.

*James 1:17 - Every good gift cometh from the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness, no shadow of turning

*1 Ne 15:36 - Greatest of all the gifts of God: eternal life(eternal life = love of God=Jesus Christ)

*Omni 1:25 - Believe in gifts

*Alma 9:21-23 - Gifts are part of the light and knowledge God gives

*Mosiah 8:13 - Some gifts are connected with commandments and our ability to obey

*4 Nephi 1:3 - All were "partakers of the heavenly gift"=The Atonement. If a whole nation were partaking of the Atonement sincerely and

*Ether 12:11 - The gift of the Atonement is fulfilled by the gift of faith - it brings the gift of miracles.

*Moroni 3:4 - Ordain priests and teachers by gifts - callings of God by Holy Ghost (ponder this more)

*Moroni 10:5-15 - Deny them not, every good gift cometh of Christ

*D&C 6:13 - "There is no gift greater than the gift of salvation" v.11 - use your gifts to bring others to salvation.

*D&C 6:10 - Gifts are sacred, remember they come from above

*D&C 14:7 - Eternal life = gift greatest of all gifts of God, you receive the gift if you keep commandments and endure. Gifts are connected with obedience.

*D&C 46:8-26 - Seek the best gifts, always remember why they are given - they are given for the benefit of men, always remember and retain in your mind what those gifts are: faith in Christ, faith in others' testimonies of Christ, administering, know diversity of operations, word of wisdom, knowledge, faith to heal, to be healed, working miracles, prophesy, discerning spirits, speak/interpret tongues.

*D&C 107:92 - Wisdom=seer, revelator, translator, prophet. All these gifts are given to the head of the church.

*A of F 7 - We believe in gifts of God.

*Gen 17: 8,16 - Gifts also include posterity and land.

*Lev 26: 4,6 - Gifts also include rain, fruit, peace, safety

*Ezek 11:19(Ezek 36:26) - God will replace your stony heart with a heart of flesh and breathe a new spirit into it.

*Matt 16:19 - Gifts, priesthood, sealing power

*Matt 20:28 - Gifts of Christ. His life, His ministry, His example

*1 Cor 12:31 - seek zealously after the best gifts, follow the more excellent way - Christ's way

*Rev 2:10 - "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."

*D&C 46:8 - Seek out the best gifts so you won't be deceived, but always remember that gifts are given for the benefit of man, a gift is given to one man that all may be benefited.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021


    Blessings are an eternal round of love - given to us because of love, due to love through obedience, and encouraging more love as the blessings serve others.  We should seek out blessings, consecrate ourselves to receive them(be faithful and generous, have clean hands, pure heart, no vanity, be honest, pay tithing, and stand in holy places), and share blessings once we have them and always be grateful for them. Blessings are often a choice - a choice to obey, a choice to be grateful, a choice to have a positive attitude and recognize blessings that would otherwise go unnoticed, a choice to use  your blessings to bless others. Remember all blessings come through Jesus Christ. It is also important to remember as you recognize your own blessings from the Lord, to ponder how you in turn bless the Lord. There are specific blessings the Lord promises through the spirit: love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance. And specific blessings promised through Abraham/tribes of Israel: numerous posterity(entitled to eternal increase and bear priesthood), father of many nations, Christ and kings would come through Abraham's lineage, lands would be inherited, all nations would be blessed by his seed(again, blessings lead to more blessings - one eternal round), covenant-everlasting, enemies shall become prey, barren deserts have pools of living water, ground brings rich treasures, boundaries of everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence, crowned with glory, filled with songs of everlasting joy. Blessings to all tribes, richer blessings upon Ephraim, Judah sanctified in holiness - to dwell in is presence day and night, foerever and ever. The Lord blesses with power to come forth to enter into His Father's kingdom, "there to be crowned with immortality and eternal life and continue thenceforth their labor as had been promised by the Lord and be partakers of all blessings which were held in reserve for them that love Him." You will continue in labor, continue in love, continue to partake of all blessings. There is no end to blessings(love) which lead to God's ultimate work and glory - to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

 *Gen 12:2 - By blessing Abraham, he then becomes a blessing, God's plan always seems to work in one eternal round.

*Gen 27 - Rebecca guides Jacob in seeking blessings, there is nothing wrong with seeking them out.

*Gen 33 - Blessings can be shared, like Jacob and Esau

*Ex 32:29 - Consecrate yourself that the Lord may bestow blessings.

*Deut 11:26 - It's very simple - obey=blessings, disobey=curse

*Deut 30:19(16-20) - It's always your choice: obedience or disobedience, blessing or curse, life or death. CHOOSE LIFE. Choosing to obey leads to blessings which leads to life. The Lord is your life.

*Deut 23:5 - "The Lord they God turned the curse inot a blessing unto thee because the Lord thy God loved thee." (All things work out for thy good, as long as you're obedient - D&C 20:24)

*Deut 28:2(the whole chapter) - If you're obedient, blessings will "overtake" you

*Neh 9:5 - "Stand up and bless the Lord your God forever and ever" Blessings work both ways, how do you bless the Lord? Eph 1:3 - Bless God for blessing you with all spiritual blessings in Christ.

*Psalms 24:3-5 - What to do to receive blessings: clean hands, a pure heart, no vanity, honest, stand in holy places.

*Prov 10:22 - Blessings of the Lord make you rich, richness = life

*Prov 28:20 - Faithful = abound in blessings

*Isaiah 19:24 - The Lord heals with blessings

*Ezek 44:30 - Give(bless) and you will be blessed

*Mal 2:2 - Give glory to God or your blessings will be cursed

*Mal 3:10 (3 Nephi 24:10) Pay your tithing and there will not be room enough to receive all the blessings

*Gal 3:14 - We receive the blessings of Abraham through Jesus Christ, the blessings of the Spirit through faith

Blessings of Abraham(Gen 17): numerous posterity(entitled to eternal increase and bear priesthood), father of many nations, Christ and kings would come through Abraham's lineage, lands would be inherited, all nations would be blessed by his seed(again, blessings lead to more blessings - one eternal round), covenant-everlasting.

-All of these blessings are obtained through Jesus Christ

Blessings of the Spirit (Gal 5:22) - love, joy, peace, long-suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.

-All of these blessings are obtained through faith.

*Heb 12:17 - Rejecting blessings is a sin (Esau)

*James 3:10 - Your tongue always has the choice to bless or curse.

*Peter 3:9 - Bless all you do - do not give evil for evil.

*Rev 5:13 - All creatures bless the Lord

*1 Nephi 17:2 - Blessings sometimes require positive attitudes or go unnoticed. Nephi called blessings "so great" because women and children strong and there was no murmuring. Nephi could have focused on being lost in the wilderness, eating raw meat, etc. Blessings go unnoticed without gratitude. v.3 - blessings came because they kept commandments. Blessings of strength, nourishment, and opportunities.

*2 Nephi 1:28 - Follow the prophet, or blessings could be taken away.

*2 Nephi 4:5 - Blessings are given for strength and guidance (as if  the actual blessing is not gift enough - it has layers of help)

*Alma 45:16 - "For this is the cursing and the blessing of God upon the land" God's curses work as blessings - for they remove wickedness and raise up righteousness.

*3 Nephi 10:18 - Righteousness brings blessings: the ministering of Christ.

*D&C 41:1 - Those that hear the Lord, He delights in blessing with "the greatest of all blessings"

*D&C 130:20(D&C 132:5) - Any blessings obtained is due to obedience to the law connected with that blessing

*D&C 133:19-35 - Tribes of Israel blessings: enemies shall become prey, barren deserts have pools of living water, ground brings rich treasures, boundaries of everlasting hills shall tremble at their presence, crowned with glory, filled with songs of everlasting joy. Blessings to all tribes, richer blessings upon Ephraim, Judah sanctified in holiness - to dwell in is presence day and night, foerever and ever.

*D&C 138:51-52 - The Lord blesses with power to come forth to enter into His Father's kingdom, "there to be crowned with immortality and eternal life and continue thenceforth their labor as had been promised by the Lord and be partakers of all blessings which were held in reserve for them that love Him." You will continue in labor, continue in love, continue to partake of all blessings.

Monday, July 12, 2021


Everyone who comes to earth has a life riddled with afflictions because that is what life is supposed to be - because afflictions are the main path to refinement and that is why we came to earth - to be refined. It is important to remember that afflictions are just as necessary as love and miracles and wonder - all do their part to refine us. But afflictions, especially our personal ones - given to us by our unique choices or God's knowledge of us as His child - are all part of His wisdom and plan, for those who cannot endure cannot be sanctified. Most of us live with the subconscious belief that if you are obedient and faithful you will not have affliction, or you will at least only be given the easy ones. But if you truly know the greatness of God you will come to understand affliction better and why even the faithful and obedient must suffer - for the greatness of God comes in the consecration of affliction. It is the ability to give up all the selfish "whys" that come with affliction and turn them over to God so that we may come to truly know Him and His Greatness. The ability to do that is so hard, for afflictions often bring you to the land of forgetfulness - you forget the wonders and goodness and nearness of God which often leads you to darkness, and in the dark it becomes easier to harden your heart, to turn away from God's words and His love, to (strangely) deny access to deliverance. The most common response of any affliction is the same one as the children of Israel - to murmur, and murmuring always leads to bad things(it takes away the power of faith). Affliction is an absence of light/truth - it gives power to Satan unless you turn to your Savior. So what can we do during affliction to turn to our Savior and banish Satan and the darkness? 

The most important thing to do during affliction is to REMEMBER. Remember that you will be supported, not trial-free. Remember, remember, remember Christ and His love for you. Remember that it is His mission to deliver you from afflictions. Remember He knows you and that afflictions are what humble us and help us come to know Him better. Remember that He is close to the broken-hearted, He will visit you and make your burdens light. Remember that He will console you, He will plead your cause, and send justice. Remember that although He delivers you it is not always in the way you imagine but always in a way that is full of wonders(Joseph). Remember to put your house in order, to forgive one another, to go to the Lord's house and stand in His presence so that He will hear you and help you. Remember that all your afflictions shall be but a small moment and will give thee experience and work together for your good and His glory - so don't be afraid but rejoice and give thanks for everything, wait patiently on the Lord, pray(with exceeding faith and sincerity) and sing psalms, be pure in heart and firm in mind(if your mind is firm you can feast on His love forever). Remember the word and the WORD brings comfort in afflictions and gives you "root" in the gospel. Remember to visit those in affliction for that is pure religion and is what Christ did with His time on earth, and if "the word" or Christ is the only thing that brings comfort in affliction, then pure religion is bringing Christ and love to others. Remember you can look for joy in the absence of trials but also you can look for joy in the strength to get you through the trials as well as joy in the Holy Ghost who will help you through the trials. Remember the importance of strength - and have hope that you will one day rest - for rest does not mean affliction is taken away, it means you will have enough strength to match the afflictions (think of Sunday as the Day of Rest/Strength - a day to remember all the things you have to bear your afflictions(faith, hope, love, light). Remember that success in life is having the strength and patience to bear afflictions. Remember that like Nephi, no matter how much anger or doubt or weakness you have - always trust in the Lord and look forward to Him in faith to deliver you from death and hell so that you can gain a remission of your sins. Always remember "I am with thee, even to the end of thy days" and that you will have afflictions all  your life - so stop looking for joy in other things and remember "for in thee is my joy." And remember, remember, always remember that everything good(mercy, repentance, strength, joy, love, hope, eternal life) is only possible because of the affliction Christ went through on earth. So in the end, the one thing that is truly important to remember when faced with afflictions is that you always have two choices: one of them is Christ, and the other one never matters.

*Ex 3:7, Psalms 34:19 - The Lord will ALWAYS deliver you. He knows our afflictions, sorrows, He has come to deliver us - that is His mission.

*2 Chron 20:9 - When evil comes upon you, go to the Lord's house, find a sanctuary, stand in His presence. He will hear you and help you.

*2 Chron 33:10-12 - Affliction often comes because we do not hearken to the Lord - affliction humbles us, brings us to know the Lord is God.

*Psalms 34:19 - The righteous have many afflictions, but the Lord delivers from all. v. 18 - The Lord is close to the broken hearted.

*Psalms 88:12 - "Shall they wonders be known in the dark? and thy righteousness in the land of forgetfulness" Affliction = darkness and forgetfulness(you forget the goodness and nearness of God which brings the darkness), but God brings wonders and righteousness.

*Psalms 119:50 - The word will bring you comfort in affliction. The word = Christ

*Isa 48:10, 1 Ne 20:10 - Affliction = Refinement

*Hosea 5:15 - In affliction, we seek God early, when do we seek Him in joy?

*Jonah 2 - When you cry to the Lord in affliction, He hears you, even from the belly of hell. Your prayer reaches into His Holy Temple (v. 7)

*Matt 5:10 - When you're persecuted for righteousness sake, "the kingdom of heaven" is yours.

*Mark 4:17 - If you don't have "root" you won't last through affliction.

*Mark 13:19 - You ain't seen nothin yet.

*John 16:33 - In Christ you will find peace - He has overcome the world.

*Acts 7:10 - God delivered Joseph from all his afflictions - maybe not the way Joseph imagined - but in a way full of wonders.

*1 Thes 1:6 - Receive the word of affliction, receive it with joy in the Holy Ghost.

*James 1:27 - Visiting those in affliction is pure religion, which is what Christ did with His time on earth. And if "the word" or Christ is the only thing that brings comfort in affliction, then pure religion is bringing Christ and love to others.

*James 5:13 - Are you afflicted? Pray. Are you merry? Sing psalms. 

*2 Ne 2:2 - If you know the greatness of God, you will understand affliction better. Greatness of God = consecration of affliction. To give up all the selfish "whys" that come with afflictions and turn them over to God is to find and know His Greatness.

*2 Ne 4:17-35 - Even Nephi, when faced with afflictions, experiences doubt, anger, weakness. But his saving attribute is to always trust in the Lord.

*Jacob 3:1 - Be pure in heart, firm in mind, pray with exceeding faith - He will console you in your afflictions, He will plead your cause, and send justice. (If your mind is firm, you can feast on His love forever.)

*Mosiah 24:14 - He will visit you in affliction, make your burden light.

*Alma 4:12-15 - What will help you get through affliction? Looking forward with faith to Christ delivering us from death and hell - we'll gain a remission of our sins.

*Alma 26:27 - When you're depressed, the Lord will comfort you. Be patient in your afflictions and you will have success.

*Alma 31:33 - The comfort of Christ brings strength to bear afflictions which is the success of life.

*D&C 24:8 - Be patient in afflictions, you will have many, BUT "I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days."

*Alma 33:11 - God hears prayers of affliction given in sincerity. Ashley, you will have afflictions all your life, stop looking for joy in other things, remember "for in thee is my joy" and REMEMBER that everything good is because of the Son(and the affliction He went through): mercy, repentance, strength, joy.

*Alma 34:40-41 - Be patient, have hope you will one day rest (rest does not mean taken away, it means strength Alma 31:33) (You should think of Sunday as the Day of Rest/Strength)

*Alma 36:3 - You will be supported, not trial-free

*Alma 60:13 - Sometimes the righteous suffer for wise purposes in God. (Afflictions = the wisdom of God)

*Hel 12:3 - The Lord chastens us so that we will remember Him

*D&C 93:42 - Cause of affliction = no light or truth, gives evil one power over you. Solution: set your house in order - D&C 88:119

*D&C 98:1-3 - All your afflictions shall work together for your good and His glory - don't be afraid, rejoice, give thanks for everything, pray, wait patiently on the Lord.

*D&C 121:7 - Afflictions are but a small moment

*D&C 122:7 - All things give thee experience for your good

*Neh 9:9 - Remember afflictions of children of Israel - how they handled them - ugh. Don't handle your afflictions like them.

*Isa 63:9 - Christ suffered for our afflictions, we are redeemed through His love and pity, He bares us and carries us.

*1 Ne 16:35 - When you murmur during afflictions it leads to bad things.

*Mosiah 1:17 - You will not prosper or progress if you are unfaithful. Sometimes afflictions come because you need to remember your duty.

*Alma 7:11 - Christ took on all afflictions

*Alma 53:13 - The Nephites took on the afflictions of the people of Ammon.

*Alma 62: 41 - You always have two choices when given afflictions - become hardened or become softened - even to the depths of humility, 3 Ne 6:13 - You always have 2 choices.

*D&C 30:6 - When in affliction, ever lift up your heart in prayer and faith for deliverance.

*D&C 31:9 - Be patient and steadfast.

*D&C 64:8 - If you do not forgive one another, you will be visited with sore afflictions.

*D&C 101:2 - The Lord allows afflictions to come because of transgressions, but He will take them and make them His own, we all need to be tried like Abraham. Those who cannot endure cannot be sanctified.