Friday, July 16, 2021

Record Keeping

Record keeping is a sacred duty and power. Without record keeping we would not know the mind and will of God. Records show us past events to help us through current situations to provide future guidance - all time is one, like God's time, in the scriptures. The wording of records (written on earth is written in heaven)is like the sealing power - it is heavily connected with our ability to endure and receive eternal life. 

*Ex 24:4 - Moses preached, obeyed, and wrote down the word of the Lord. He also wrote the testimony of the Lord to be put in the ark of the covenant. (Ex 25:21) Record keeping was an important duty for this prophet. (1 Chron 16:4 - it is a priesthood duty)

*Ex 32:33 - The Lord also keeps records - you are in it. (Book of the Living - Psalms 69:28, Rev 3:5) You want to be a part of His records (Dan 12:1)

*Ezra 4:15 - Records provide guidance of current actions for future results based on past experience - all time becomes one.

*Rev 1:19(18-20) It is a commandment to write the things of Christ

*3 Nephi 27:23-26 - It is a commandment to write, we will be judged by the books written, and by the Father's records.

*1 Ne 1:1 - Reasons why Nephi made a record: he had been both afflicted and blessed - he had come to know the mysteries and goodness of God.

*1 Ne 3:19-29 - It is wisdom in God to make records - to preserve language and word of God(language of people is connected with word/power of God) *Omni 1:17 - The people Mosiah found - their language had become corrupt, did not know God - they brought no records with them.

*1 Ne 5:10-22 - The plates were so important that Nephi risked his life to get them. They contained the commandments, history, prophecies, genealogy, and word of God. They were extremely important to this family.

*1 Ne 13:39-41 - Records support each other (witnesses), testify that Jesus is the Christ, teach you how to come to Him.

*2 Ne 5:24-33 - Sometimes you are asked to keep different records for different wise purposes.

*Omni 1:9 - Both Nephi and Chemish are commanded to keep records. Nephi wrote 2 books, Chemish wrote one verse.

*Alma 37:1-10(*9) - Records enlarge memory, bring people to Christ and repentance.

*3 Nephi 23:7-14 - When Christ visited the Nephites, He asked for their records so that He could teach from them. He commanded them to write more, even some they had forgotten.

*Morm 8:1 - Moroni takes records but has few things to write out of obedience(Ether 13:1)

*Ether 4:1 - So often in the scriptures, servants of the Lord have experiences and then are commanded to write them down.

*D&C 6:26-27 - There are many records with the gospel, yet because of iniquity they have not been brought foth. If you desire good, this "gift" will help bring forth more records(Moses 1:2)

*D&C 20:8-16 - The Book of Mormon is a record - inspired, testifies of God, His work, and His character. Those who receive it in faith, work righteousness, will have a crown of of eternal life. Do not reject the records.

*D&C 107:56-57 - Adam prophesied of every generation down to the last- records will come in due time.

*Record keeping is a commandment, a sacred duty: D&C 21:1, 27:5, 47:3, 72:6, 76:80, 85:1, 90:52(Moses 2;1), 127:9, Moses 6:5

*Your testimony is recroded in heaven (D&C 62:3), your prayers become a record (D&C 88:2)

*What you record on earth will be recorded in heaven (D&C 128:8), very powerful doctrine, like sealing.

*Records have sacredness(Abr 1:21) like priesthood, creation, blessings.

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