Friday, July 16, 2021

God, Gifts of

Every gift of God is a reflection of His most perfect gift, His love(His Son, the Atonement) and leads to His ultimate gift - eternal life. Every gift given to an individual is no good unless shared with others - every gift is unique and hundreds are given to every individual. Believe in them, seek them out, be obedient to receive more, recognize the gifts of your "blood" that you can lay claim to, and remember one of the greatest gifts is that you get to choose what you need. Be more aware, be grateful, be humbled, feel the love of God and His Son through their gifts to you, then share your gifts with others so that they can feel the love. 

*Eccl 3:13 - "enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God" - work hard, do good - rejoice in it - it's a gift from God

*Eccl 5:19 - Everything is a gift from God - riches, wealth, power to eat, to take your portion, to rejoice in labor...

*John 3:16 - The Gift of His Son, Jesus Christ, and thereby everlasting life

*John 6:51 - Christ, the gift of God, is the living bread from heaven, bread is his flesh, gives eternal life v. 53 "Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you." Romans 6:23 - Gift of God = eternal life through Jesus Christ

*John 11: 22 - One of the greatest gifts of God is to let you choose what you need, and then He will help you get it. "Whatsoever thou wilt ask of God, God will give it thee" 

*Acts 8:20 - Gift of God = Holy Ghost(and all His gifts)

*1 Cor 7:7 - God gives everyone a "proper gift" each in their own manner.

*1 Cor 12:4 - There are so many gifts, all given by the same Spirit

*Eph 2:8 - Gifts of God = grace and faith. You are saved by grace and faith, saved by God's gifts.

*1 Tim 14:14 - "Neglect not the gift that is in thee."

*2 Tim 1:5-7 - Gifts come through your blood, revive/rekindle the gift that is in you. Through power, love, and a sound mind - not fear.

*James 1:17 - Every good gift cometh from the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness, no shadow of turning

*1 Ne 15:36 - Greatest of all the gifts of God: eternal life(eternal life = love of God=Jesus Christ)

*Omni 1:25 - Believe in gifts

*Alma 9:21-23 - Gifts are part of the light and knowledge God gives

*Mosiah 8:13 - Some gifts are connected with commandments and our ability to obey

*4 Nephi 1:3 - All were "partakers of the heavenly gift"=The Atonement. If a whole nation were partaking of the Atonement sincerely and

*Ether 12:11 - The gift of the Atonement is fulfilled by the gift of faith - it brings the gift of miracles.

*Moroni 3:4 - Ordain priests and teachers by gifts - callings of God by Holy Ghost (ponder this more)

*Moroni 10:5-15 - Deny them not, every good gift cometh of Christ

*D&C 6:13 - "There is no gift greater than the gift of salvation" v.11 - use your gifts to bring others to salvation.

*D&C 6:10 - Gifts are sacred, remember they come from above

*D&C 14:7 - Eternal life = gift greatest of all gifts of God, you receive the gift if you keep commandments and endure. Gifts are connected with obedience.

*D&C 46:8-26 - Seek the best gifts, always remember why they are given - they are given for the benefit of men, always remember and retain in your mind what those gifts are: faith in Christ, faith in others' testimonies of Christ, administering, know diversity of operations, word of wisdom, knowledge, faith to heal, to be healed, working miracles, prophesy, discerning spirits, speak/interpret tongues.

*D&C 107:92 - Wisdom=seer, revelator, translator, prophet. All these gifts are given to the head of the church.

*A of F 7 - We believe in gifts of God.

*Gen 17: 8,16 - Gifts also include posterity and land.

*Lev 26: 4,6 - Gifts also include rain, fruit, peace, safety

*Ezek 11:19(Ezek 36:26) - God will replace your stony heart with a heart of flesh and breathe a new spirit into it.

*Matt 16:19 - Gifts, priesthood, sealing power

*Matt 20:28 - Gifts of Christ. His life, His ministry, His example

*1 Cor 12:31 - seek zealously after the best gifts, follow the more excellent way - Christ's way

*Rev 2:10 - "Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life."

*D&C 46:8 - Seek out the best gifts so you won't be deceived, but always remember that gifts are given for the benefit of man, a gift is given to one man that all may be benefited.

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